Awesome Resources
A curated list of interesting Docusaurus community projects.
Community documentation​
The site extends the official docs with more complex examples and full articles that recommend best practices and provide solutions to common problems.
It is also a full Docusaurus application just like our main site, so customization and experimentation examples are perfectly suited to be hosted there.
We might allow direct links to be added in our official documentation that point to the community documentation, on a case-by-case basis, if the community finds such links to articles useful.
We are also contemplating further integration into the official documentation at some point in the future.
- Awesome Docusaurus - Community curated list of Docusaurus resources.
- Live code editing in Docusaurus
- The definitive guide to migrating from Blogger to Docusaurus
See the showcase.
Community plugins​
- docusaurus-plugin-lunr - Docusaurus plugin to create a local search index for use with Lunr.js
- docusaurus-lunr-search - Offline Search for Docusaurus
- docusaurus-search-local - Offline/local search for Docusaurus
- @easyops-cn/docusaurus-search-local - Offline/local search for Docusaurus (language of zh supported)
- docusaurus-theme-search-typesense - Docusaurus plugin for Typesense DocSearch
- @markprompt/docusaurus-theme-search - Docusaurus plugin to add generative AI / LLM-powered docs search, powered by Markprompt.
- meilisearch-docsearch - Docusaurus plugin for Meilisearch
- docusaurus2-dotenv - A Docusaurus plugin that supports dotenv and other environment variables
- posthog-docusaurus - Integrate PostHog product analytics with Docusaurus
- docusaurus-plugin-moesif - Adds Moesif API Analytics to track user behavior and pinpoint where developers drop off in your activation funnel.
- docusaurus-plugin-yandex-metrica - Adds Yandex Metrika counter for evaluating site traffic and analyzing user behavior.
- docusaurus-theme-github-codeblock. A Docusaurus plugin that supports referencing code examples from public GitHub repositories
- docs-to-pdf - Generate documentation into PDF format
- docusaurus-plugin-sass - Sass/SCSS stylesheets support
- docusaurus-plugin-remote-content - A Docusaurus plugin that allows you to fetch content from remote sources
- @graphql-markdown/docusaurus - A Docusaurus plugin for generating documentation from GraphQL schemas
- docusaurus-plugin-react-docgen-typescript - A Docusaurus plugin for loading type annotations from
- docusaurus-plugin-react-docgen - A Docusaurus plugin for loading type annotations from
- docusaurus-plugin-module-alias - A Docusaurus plugin for quickly aliasing local modules
- docusaurus-protobuffet - Docusaurus toolset for Protobuf contract documentation
- docusaurus-prince-pdf - Generate PDF with PrinceXML for better font subsetting and ToC features. Support Docusaurus sites
- redocusaurus - A Docusaurus preset for integrating OpenAPI documentation into your docs with Redoc
- plugin-image-zoom - An Image Zoom plugin for Docusaurus
- docusaurus-plugin-typedoc - A Docusaurus plugin to build documentation with TypeDoc
- docusaurus-openapi-docs - A Docusaurus plugin and theme for generating interactive OpenAPI docs
- docusaurus-post-generator - A command line tool for user to add a blog/doc file quickly by command like
yarn gen-post new [template] [post_name]
Enterprise usage​
- Stripe
- Algolia
- Callstack
- Sauce Labs